Chasing Grid Squares

I’m Jim, and I chase grid squares. I got my start on 6 meters and expanded to satellites. I’ve hit the pause button on satellites, but I’m still working on 6 meters and now 2 meters.

Here are my results as of 16 April 2024:

  • On 6 meters, I stand at 799 grids worked, 780 confirmed.
  • 6-meter DXCC is at 79 countries worked, 78 confirmed.
  • 6 meter WAS only needs Alaska.
  • 2 meters is at 164 grids worked, 160 confirmed.
  • Satellites, 555 worked, 545 confirmed.

WSJT-X and FT8 have made a fantastic difference on six meters. My rover grids are not recorded here. Only those I’ve worked in my home ham shack in grid EM12.

My HF DXCC total is 259 worked and 257 confirmed. WAZ is 38 worked and confirmed. I have also managed to earn 5-Band Worked All States.

Here’s my Fred Fish Memorial Award grid chase status as of December 2023, with 483 confirmed and chasing a further 5. This map is courtesy of Francis, KV5W, and his work supporting all the FFMA grid chasers.

Here’s the same map with 2-meter grids in the USA shown.